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It's All In The Support

Edition 109 -- Time to read less than 4 minutes

Creating healthy relationships and support systems.

Often times counselors are notorious for emphasizing your relationships with your mother and father were and are of greatest significance. Especially as you created and developed core beliefs and sometimes what are called mistaken beliefs. They are also relationships that have had the greatest influence on how you relate to people today. All this being said, other relationships are also extremely important: those with your spouse or partner(s), your friends and your co-workers. Some of these relationships undoubtedly have been healthy and supportive, and some have been unhealthy and unsupportive.

A supportive relationship should help you grow. Unhealthy relationships suck you dry and make you suffocated.

Unhealthy, Unsupportive relationships produce:

  • Diminished zest or vitality

  • Disempowerment

  • Confusion, lack of clarity

  • A diminished sense of self-worth

  • A turning away from relationships

Where as a healthy and supportive relationship each person:

  • Feels greater sense of zest (vitality, energy) Even with kids

  • Feels more able to act and does act

  • Has more accurate perception of himself or herself and the others in their life

  • Feels greater sense of self-worth

  • Feels more connected to the other person(s) and feels a greater motivation for connections with other people beyond

Many things can give support. Emotional support and/or physical support is when you’re going through a hard time, it can be in the form of someone who really listens to you without giving advice and trying to fix you or just being with you, holding you or being in the same room.

Developing and maintaining supportive relationships sometimes can be difficult for everyone. You may believe that asking for help or being supportive is hard to do.

This week I would love to invite you to email me privately and share ways that you have witnessed support – be it – gave support or received it. As I mentioned being supportive or showing support can come in a ton of different ways. Other questions to consider in the email dialogue...

What is your most memorable way you received support?

How have you shared your support with your loved ones, friends, or co-workers?

Dr. Ryan Westrum is a clinical psychologist that works with individuals and couples in identifying true authentic living, support and counseling. You can contact him at ryan@healingsoulsllc.comor 952-261-5269.

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