Journaling for porn addiction therapy

Journaling is often overlooked as a way of understanding our personal experiences and reflections regarding relapse prevention (for any addiction, but in my context we refer to sex addiction or porn addiction). Many times Journaling is an exercise that can take time to embrace and build as a tool. Not everyone can express himself or herself through writing. That is why the journal exercise is a process, but a tool that can be extremely effective in helping a recovering porn addict or sex addict prevent relapse.
For those who have learned to use it, journaling has proven invaluable for finding the extra strength that is often necessary to successfully fight off porn addiction or sex addiction cravings. Plus, you get some additional benefits because writing in a journal has also been found to be an effective toll to help reduce depression and other emotional problems.
Conflicting beliefs around writing in journals is all over the place; however, it is my opinion that it is important to recognize the work and the reward to "picking up the pen". Writing in a journal is not simply writing the events of the day when it comes to relapse prevention surrounding porn addiction or sex addiction. It is much more strategic.
3 ways relapse prevention journaling can work for you
1. Identify the root problem
When you engage in writing it can help you focus on a variety of different emotions you may not be ready to talk about, share or are otherwise ready to explore. You may find a new awareness of the larger problem you are exploring.
2. Learn new strategies
The more you participate in relapse prevention the more information you uncover and the more strategies you will learn. Your honesty with yourself will be challenged, giving an opportunity to practice new strategies and evaluate them in your journal.
3. Realize your full potential
Over the course of my experience writing my dissertation for my doctorate I found it empowering to look back at my early writing work and reflect on how far I had come; moreover, i was able to remind myself how much I had done. It is the same concept regarding relapse prevention journaling. You are able to continuously go back to the old entries and see what worked or did not work. Each journal entry is a snap shot of the past that always works at some level.
The key fundamentals of a journal might include different things for different individuals; I want to encourage you to write. By getting your emotions out around your relationship with porn addiction or sex addiction, it will help you frame up your concerns in therapy. Ultimately, you become your own teacher.
Dr. Ryan Westrum is the visionary of and . He specializes in helping individuals and couples with porn addiction and sex addiction. Please contact him at or 952-261-5269.