Unsubscribe back into life
Recently I added another level to my digital detox. I noticed every morning I checked my email I was getting flooded with requests from...

FOMO Fear of Missing out ... on reality?
Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not of hundred or a thousand; instead of a million...

Disconnect to Reconnect - The A, B, C's of detoxing
Last night I spent the 60th day without my iPhone. Getting ready for bed with a combination of cleaning up after dinner with my journal...

Reasons to do a digital detox
We’ve all been there randomly lost in a rabbit hole on our device. What gets you the quickest, the phone, tablet, or your computer? When...

The Weekend Sexperiment:The Smorgasbord
Edition 111 - Estimated Read Time is 5 minutes. This weekend is a smorgasbord of information from creating healthy sex to information on...
The 3 T's to living authentic
Edition 110 -- Estimated Read Time 5 Minutes. Being Truthful -- Living Transparent -- Finding Transcendence. Every once an awhile I am...

It's All In The Support
Edition 109 -- Time to read less than 4 minutes Creating healthy relationships and support systems. Often times counselors are notorious...
Where to Start? What do you want?
Edition 108 -- Estimated read time under 5 minutes When clients come into my office one of the topics that often is brought up is a sense...
Understanding Sex Addiction
Edition 107: Estimated read time -- 5 minutes This week in sexual news: WHO said what? In the era of smartphones and frictionless-dating...
What is the solution?
Edition 106: Estimated Read Time - Under 4 minutes. I am always challenging my clients to do something different and I never ask my...